Ready to view your 3D images taken with your Holga 135 3D Stereo camera? Make sure you've got your handy Holga Slide Viewer, and the ever trusty Holga 135 3D Slide Mount, too! Without one or the other, you won't fully enjoy taking a nice journey through your stereo shots!
Super Slide Mount - The Holga 135 3D Slide Mount is what you need to pair with the Holga Stereo Slide Viewer to experience your shots in its surreal, 3D glory! This works with shots taken with the Holga 135 3D Stereo camera.
The Holga Legacy - Lomography, the home of creative analogue photography, is proud to introduce more members of the cult Holga clan. As you know, the Holga is famous for being the plastic medium format camera that yields classic lo-fi photos with the shadowy vignettes and unpredictable light leaks.