Inspiration - Six New Year Resolutions for the Photography Enthusiast - Looking Glass Photo & Camera


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Six New Year Resolutions for the Photography Enthusiast

Six New Year Resolutions for the Photography Enthusiast

By: Looking Glass Comments: 0

Try Something New

Just as writers can experience “writer’s block,” someone who loves photography can experience “photographer’s block.” Whether you explore a new area of photography (Always shoot landscapes? Try photographing wildlife!), learn something new in a class or try a new piece of gear, by challenging yourself to try something new you just may see that photographer’s block dissolve away.

Shoot More

This one is simple. Get out there and take more pictures. Sometimes it’s a struggle to pick up the camera and start shooting. But once you do, you’ll be glad you did – discovering something new about the world around you, and even yourself.

Start and Complete a Photo Project

Starting a photo project is a great way to motivate yourself to get out and shoot more. You just might find more meaning and interest in your photography as well. There are numerous ideas for formulating a project that is right for you. For example, you can choose a theme such as specific colors, playing with shadow and light, etc.). For many a photo project can be philanthropic such as donating your time/skills to photograph animals that need a home at your local shelter. Or maybe there’s a story you want to tell – tell it visually from start to finish! 

Slow Down

Yeah, we know. We just said you should shoot more. So, what do we mean by “slow down?” We encourage anyone who loves photography to simply slow down and take your time in creating an image as opposed to using burst mode and hoping that one of tons of photos is a keeper. This will allow you to focus on your process, and see it as an artform, which can dramatically improve your images and how you feel about them.  

Photograph with Others/Build Your Community

When shooting with fellow photography enthusiasts, you’ll find that new ideas will flow with abundance. You’ll learn from others, and they will learn from you. Photographing with others can come in many forms. You can pack your bags and travel to a new place as part of an adventure photo workshop. Or make it simpler with a photo walk daytrip with a photography group. If you’re exploring with others, the possibilities are limitless!

Just Do It

Stop putting things off. Don’t let things stand in the way of pursuing what brings you joy. Get out of your own way. It’s as simple as saying Yes to yourself, as opposed to coming up with reasons to say no. Life is too short. Whether it’s getting a new piece of gear to try your hand at a VLOG, pulling that item you bought years ago from the closet that you never used, or simply taking a class, trip or a walk in your neighborhood – Just do it.

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